A series of lessons that seeks to find biblical answers for modern cultural questions facing the church.
Going Further in Studying God's Word
Those who study this lesson series can use these online resources to further their personal study and find a central location for links to articles to consider while looking at these issues. These resources will help the student dig deeper into the issue and compare the scriptural support for God’s side of the issue.
About the Series
This class will consider various doctrinal issues and biblical principles to try and determine how Christians should respond when confronted with varying viewpoints.
Topics for the study include:
- Abortion & Contraception
- Celebrating Holidays
- Gambling
- Parental Discipline
- Christian Discipline
- Responsibility to Government
- Christians & War
- Responding To Homosexuality & Transgenderism
- Modesty
- Culture's Impact on Christians
This series will seek to lay a proper foundation based on the Bible so that any teaching can be correctly understood and taught.
Series Features
This Bible study series has many wonderful features for any age group so that the students can learn how God’s biblical principles apply to issues in today’s world.
Different Views on Issues
The various views on an issue are presented so that the class can consider all points of view before applying God's principles
Biblical Principles
Biblical principles are included that can serve as guideposts for God's side of an issue and can be utilized in further discussion
Discussion Oriented
Lessons are geared toward class discussion instead of lecture-style class for a more welcoming approach to the issues
Group Questions
Group questions are included at the end of each lesson to provide though-provoking consideration of further aspects of issues
Full-Text Articles
The teacher edition includes full-text articles that can be used in preparation so the teacher may have a thorough understanding of the issues [TEACHER EDITION ONLY]
Series Materials
Check out some of the valuable materials that this series provides for the teacher and student to gain more from their study of God’s Word.
- All
- Teacher
- Workbook
Lessons & Resources
These lessons are designed to encourage the class to dig deeper on the subjects and Scriptural application. Check out the resources below to help you go further in the lesson by reading more on the topics online.
Lesson 1 | Christians Taking Sides
“Should Christians Take Sides in Cultural Issues?”
The first lesson in this series is an introductory lesson that will look at the basic principles of the sufficiency of Scriptures and the need to study so we will be able to take a stand with God in our world. The first lesson is also designed to introduce the student to the class format and style and familiarize the student with the structure of the lesson handouts so they will equip themselves for the next study.
Go Further
As you study this issue and prepare for class discussion, the following articles may be helpful in learning the opposing viewpoints on the issue, the biblical principles, and how you can apply the principles to the issue. Take a look at these and do your own search to gain a firm grasp on the issue and how God’s Word applies to our analysis.
Disclaimer: These links are provided for your education and preparation. We are not responsible for views which are contrary to God’s word or other links or information that may be found on these outside websites. As always, God’s word should be used as the measuring stick in matters of truth and godliness.
Additional Materials
During this first lesson, you may want to use these additional materials:
- Suggestion Cards (6 to a page) – Use these to get feedback from the class regarding what issues or topics with which they struggle.
- Scripture Cards (printable business card size) – Use these cards to print out scriptures to be read by class members.
- PowerPoint Slides – use these slides to visually present the charts during the class
Found Other Resources?
Have you found other articles or resources on this issue? Let us know! Click on the link below to send us an email with the link to the article.
Lesson 2 | Abortion & Contraception
“How Should Christians View the Beginning of Life?”
This lesson looks at the Biblical teachings and principles about when life begins. The lesson is designed to challenge the student to consider how the principles of the beginning of created life impact more than just the abortion issue.
Go Further
As you study this issue and prepare for class discussion, the following articles may be helpful in learning the opposing viewpoints on the issue, the biblical principles, and how you can apply the principles to the issue. Take a look at these and do your own search to gain a firm grasp on the issue and how God’s Word applies to our analysis.
Disclaimer: These links are provided for your education and preparation. We are not responsible for views which are contrary to God’s word or other links or information that may be found on these outside websites. As always, God’s word should be used as the measuring stick in matters of truth and godliness.
Additional Materials
During this first lesson, you may want to use these additional materials:
- Suggestion Cards (6 to a page) – Use these to get feedback from the class regarding what issues or topics with which they struggle.
- Scripture Cards (printable business card size) – Use these cards to print out scriptures to be read by class members.
Found Other Resources?
Have you found other articles or resources on this issue? Let us know! Click on the link below to send us an email with the link to the article.
Lesson 3| Christians & Holidays
“Should Christians Celebrate Holidays?”
This lesson looks at the Biblical teachings and principles about celebrations and holidays. The lesson is designed to challenge the student to consider how the biblical principles effect our recognition, celebration, and promotion of cultural holidays.
Go Further
As you study this issue and prepare for class discussion, the following articles may be helpful in learning the opposing viewpoints on the issue, the biblical principles, and how you can apply the principles to the issue. Take a look at these and do your own search to gain a firm grasp on the issue and how God’s Word applies to our analysis.
Disclaimer: These links are provided for your education and preparation. We are not responsible for views which are contrary to God’s word or other links or information that may be found on these outside websites. As always, God’s word should be used as the measuring stick in matters of truth and godliness.
Additional Materials
During this first lesson, you may want to use these additional materials:
- Suggestion Cards (6 to a page) – Use these to get feedback from the class regarding what issues or topics with which they struggle.
- Scripture Cards (printable business card size) – Use these cards to print out scriptures to be read by class members.
Found Other Resources?
Have you found other articles or resources on this issue? Let us know! Click on the link below to send us an email with the link to the article.
Lesson 4 | Christians & Gambling
“Should Christians Be Involved In Gambling?”
This lesson looks at the Biblical teachings and principles addressing Christians use of money and entertainment. The lesson is designed to challenge the student to consider how the principles of stewardship, priorities, example, and earning a living effect the Christian life.
Go Further
As you study this issue and prepare for class discussion, the following articles may be helpful in learning the opposing viewpoints on the issue, the biblical principles, and how you can apply the principles to the issue. Take a look at these and do your own search to gain a firm grasp on the issue and how God’s Word applies to our analysis.
- Christians, Gambling and the Lottery (Dave Miller, Apologetics Press)
- Is Gambling a Moral Issue? (Wayne Jackson, Christian Courier)
- 12 Principles of Wholesome Recreation for a Christian (Bible.ca)
- A Biblical Look at Gambling (Focus on the Family)
- Is Gambling a Sin? An Honest Exploration from a Christian Perspective (Renew.org)
- Gambling is just plain fun for those players who are in control (Springer Nature)
- Most Gamblers Are Just Out for Fun (Stanford Business)
- How Gambling Changed from a Source of Entertainment to a Professional Career (The Apopka Voice)
- Should Gambling Be Marketed As Entertainment? (BettingUSA.com)
- Compulsive Gambling (Mayo Clinic)
Disclaimer: These links are provided for your education and preparation. We are not responsible for views which are contrary to God’s word or other links or information that may be found on these outside websites. As always, God’s word should be used as the measuring stick in matters of truth and godliness.
Additional Materials
During this first lesson, you may want to use these additional materials:
- Scripture Cards (printable business card size) – Use these cards to print out scriptures to be read by class members.
- Square Promo Graphics (ZIP file) – Use these images to post on social media or in email campaigns to advertise and remind about class
Found Other Resources?
Have you found other articles or resources on this issue? Let us know! Click on the link below to send us an email with the link to the article.
Purchase Online
This bible study series is available for purchasing online from LightWay Publishing by clicking on the items below.
Digital Download
- 1 User
- 12 Lessons
- Printable Student Handouts
- Digital Teacher Edition
- Advertising Graphics
Teacher Edition
- Introductory Instructions
- Full Lesson Text
- Complete Articles
- Suggested Answers
- Free Digital Download
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“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium laudantium, totam rem.”
Leslie Boom
“Ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis. Morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non.”
Carol Smith
“Aenean sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique risus. Orci ac auctor augue mauris augue neque gravida.”
William Valdez
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